our fabric story

It all started with a text and this picture, from my sister-in-law, saying her dad knew of a gentleman trying to sell his late wife's fabric stash. She was a quilter, would I be interested in going to look at some fabric?

A few days later we drove out to look at the fabric with the intention of only buying some of it.

Well, next thing I know, her dad and the gentleman were bartering and I was agreeing to buy the whole wall of fabric and then some.

It took two trucks and two minivans, all packed to the brim to get all of this fabric back home.

We immediately rented a 10'x10' storage unit so that we could put everything in one place. It took weeks to go through everything and sort through all the bolts, scraps and damaged material.

As June came to an end, we were still trying to figure out what to do with all this fabric. We ended up selling fabric at two different events and have sold over 1500+ yards of this fabric.

We are still figuring out how to sell all this fabric, but we are working to get some of it online. We have started by listing, 2 yard pre-cut fabric, remnants and scrappy bags. We will continue to work to get fabric by the yard online as well.

We are looking at creating some quilted bag kits with patterns, but these take time to make and develop.

It's been a crazy adventure but so fun.

Fabric FAQs

We purchased our fabric from a sweet gentleman outside of Fort Worth, whose wife had passed away. His wife, Kathy, had quite a fabric stash. She made quilts and square dancing outfits for several decades. She passed away before she used up all of her fabric.

This fabric was stored inside a storage room in a tack barn. This fabric has been exposed to hot and cold conditions.

It is currently being held inside a storage unit.

Most of this fabric is 10 to 20 years old. If you've been a fabric lover you will have feelings of nostalgia as you look through some of these prints.

Kathy sourced most of this fabric from Joann Fabrics, Hobby Lobby, Hancock Fabrics, Walmart and a few smaller local fabric shops near Fort Worth.